Friday, August 8, 2014

Thoughts on the Matter: Deadpool Test Footage

Recently leaked was the Deadpool Test footage. I can not begin to explain how excited I am to see this. Now there have been several articles already written about the test video, so I'm not going to look at it bit by bit, and talk about the whole deal with Fox (still mad at them for canceling Firefly). Now when the footage was leaked it was low quality and fairly short, I didn't get to see this due to Fox pulling down all the videos. Now I have only seen the HD upload which is fucking amazing.

Now I was introduced to Deadpool by a friend maybe two years ago. I have never been really big into comic books, though I have enjoyed reading the Dark Horse Star Wars comics; the Aliens, Predator, and ultimately the Aliens Vs. Predator comics published by the same company. I downloaded the Deadpool comics from the 90's. I instantly fell in love with the character. The "Merc With the Mouth" was a character that I never really saw in my narrow expanse of comic book knowledge
First off, he was bat-shit crazy. With essentially three minds in his head, he was an amazing strategist. He was a smart-ass and would often psych out his foes.
Secondly, he wasn't afraid to kill someone. He used guns, bombs, swords, and basically whatever he felt like it.

Now I know that there are probably other Comic book characters that do the same thing. But like I said, I'm not a big comic book nerd/geek/fan.

Back to the Video:
As I watched it, I noticed a few things that made me squeal like a schoolgirl.

  1. Deadpool is voiced and mo-capped by Ryan Reynolds 
  2. Deadpool is writing/drawing/coloring with crayons.
  3. He breaks the 4th Wall in the first fifteen seconds of the video.
  4. The continuous stream of smart-ass comments.
  5. The language is in line with what I know of Deadpool.
  6. The violence!
Now there is a huge conversation on the internet about how the Deadpool movie should be rated-R. I completely agree, on the premise Deadpool wouldn't be Deadpool if the film was rated PG-13. From what I've read, Ryan Reynolds and Tim Miller (Director) are pushing for an R rating. But it seems like the studio is hesitant to make an R rated 'superhero' movie since the 'Dredd' flopped in the box office.

Now here are my thoughts on the matter, Deadpool is not Judge Dredd. Deadpool appears to have a bigger fan base. So I think that the film would score a large profit.

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